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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

WANTED: New Liberal Leaders

Sarah Silverman, Kirsten Gillibrand, Alyssa Milano

As the Democrat party goes, so goes liberal ideology. Someone needs to make liberalism great again. Liberalism needs a serious reboot to 3.0.

It is not just in the political arena where liberal leaders are lacking. Liberals cannot find a good leader among celebrities. If there were one even close, surely we would have seen such a person during the last two presidential elections. Nevertheless, Democrat voters desperately need new liberal leaders with some type of appeal.

Witnessing beloved leaders revealed as  intensely corrupt could be traumatizing for some individuals. How does one cope with such time-honored betrayal? 

Where do liberals go when they have no more beloved leaders? What happens to ideology? Can we separate liberal from Democrat? Can a person be one without the other? Such answers loom important for societal welfare and growth into a new future.

As President Donald Trump and his DOGE team peel away at the bureaucratic racket in DC, putrid smell offends worst than any rotten onion we could imagine. That odious scent you may detect wafting around the world keeps coming from Democrats.

My heart should be lite and frivolous. Alas, she be quite heavy as timeless commitments to Sagittarius sisters also comes with knowing their pain. So then, a suffering heart reaches out to them here in the quantum field sending consolations and love. There can be no true celebrations living alone here on the edge of time. Empathy feels like sandpaper scraping my soul just knowing sacred sisters are associated with liberal Democrats. Please, disavow the party of corruption and perversion as it circles the drain pulling anyone near into a vile black hole. Please, end my suffering and start it anew.

Liberal hearts need mega-mending. Our wondrous universe sends three reluctant goddesses to spiritually awaken weeping magical tears healing a world infected by spiritual virus. Living breathing binary codes wait for activation. Goddess activation codes wait on the edge of time where fools fear to tread.

Unfortunately, society built on American media in general can be judged to be liberal. Liberals dominate all publishing, television, and film. We see and have seen the world with a liberal and government slant from the beginning. Public education follows a similar course. So then, answering burning social and psychological issues affecting humanity has thus far been answered primarily by liberals.

What a vicious cycle America suffered in for far too long. It must come to an amicable end here. As the age of ignorance comes to an end, casualties will wreak havoc on a real ability to help them. Professional liberal therapists, social workers, and psychologists in most cases simply enable their clients.

So many lies given and taken for so long become addictive. It starts in public education where reality bends to emotions. Let it end here where reality goes on with or without you.

No more ugly clown leaders. No more pretense. No more envy. No more fear mongering. 

No more meritless sycophants holding power over humans ascending to higher spirituality. Dominoes begin to fall as ordered. Still, there will be much work to do for a long time. Great power to mend hearts and build a new world cannot be earned easily like so many gold stars. Price for elegant eternity comes in tears.

Evolutionary messages need repeating. Who knows how long it may take for each individual to realize and feel life-changing transformation. Omnipotent universe commands unconditional love to sacred sisters for as long as it takes. Feeling ready to rewrite my book explaining it all soon. Yes, the extinction rule is at long last broken but comes with a sad concomitant. Homosexuality is the major symptom of species extinction.

Mildly aware of their true identity, glimpses fill longing hearts with fear and apprehension in fleeting dreams. Mendacity of socialism and pretense of Hollywood fall unsustainable as a moral guide or societal ideal. Freedom and love fuel true human spirit. Rise above sorrow. Rise above ordinary. Let humanity know great magic and everyday miracles. Awaken my loves in the same lifetime! Bring terrible tears home and know timeless destiny. It was never meant to be easy. Ring in the tears and humanity immediately leaps forward upon the evolutionary ladder a worthy intelligent species among so many ascending through space and time.