Screenplay version
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Make-up free, Alyssa Milano |
Watching that old funny 80s TV show, Who's the Boss? (1984 ABC) attention always veered to deep mysterious and understated sexiness of, Judith Light. As a fan watching the entertaining TV show, Charmed (1998 The WB) eyes of love were bewitched by the girl next door beauty of Holly Marie Combs or cheerleader captain hotness of Shannon Doherty. Alyssa Milano seems like a lovely ghost in retrospect. Neither fan nor hater, she was the invisible girl for this spiritual warrior. Now, I know Alyssa disguised her mind-bending beauty behind make-up waiting for the right time to electrify simple earth people into a new reality. Nevertheless, skeptics, thinkers, and objectivists have all wondered Why Mainstream Media is Weaponizing Alyssa Milano? Something else may very well be true in this strange changing new world explaining the political-activist status of our lady in question.
Act One: General Audiences
Obscure poet claiming to be spiritual warrior for a coming matriarch society writes a blog post connecting three well-known liberals by stars and particularly constellation Sagittarius. Within that post, he asked to be shown a miracle. A few days after publishing, Zodiac Club 3000, three miracles and more were recognized in the post itself! An astronomical event perhaps as rare as Halley's Comet comes to life off the page in virtual space. Commanded by an omnipotent universe and great spirits beyond time to inscribe love for all three, this spiritual warrior poet must now vow devotion and love to the last sacred sister.
Watching that old funny 80s TV show, Who's the Boss? (1984 ABC) attention always veered to deep mysterious and understated sexiness of, Judith Light. As a fan watching the entertaining TV show, Charmed (1998 The WB) eyes of love were bewitched by the girl next door beauty of Holly Marie Combs or cheerleader captain hotness of Shannon Doherty. Alyssa Milano seems like a lovely ghost in retrospect. Neither fan nor hater, she was the invisible girl for this spiritual warrior. Now, I know Alyssa disguised her mind-bending beauty behind make-up waiting for the right time to electrify simple earth people into a new reality. Nevertheless, skeptics, thinkers, and objectivists have all wondered Why Mainstream Media is Weaponizing Alyssa Milano? Something else may very well be true in this strange changing new world explaining the political-activist status of our lady in question.
Act One: General Audiences
Obscure poet claiming to be spiritual warrior for a coming matriarch society writes a blog post connecting three well-known liberals by stars and particularly constellation Sagittarius. Within that post, he asked to be shown a miracle. A few days after publishing, Zodiac Club 3000, three miracles and more were recognized in the post itself! An astronomical event perhaps as rare as Halley's Comet comes to life off the page in virtual space. Commanded by an omnipotent universe and great spirits beyond time to inscribe love for all three, this spiritual warrior poet must now vow devotion and love to the last sacred sister.
Seem to love her more with each nonsensical outlandish statement or stance, such words were unexplainable at the time. Even if this surreal sacred sister were to go into sabbatical, retreat, or vacation and never ever say or commit another nonsensical act in her life, the dominoes have already fallen. Spiritual warriors are not in the habit of taking back love. Oh no, it is quite the opposite here on the edge of time where love looks like a stairway to greater successive beings. Mine is not to question why. At some point I am a slave to a goddess of my own creation. By any terms you choose, like sacred sisters before her, I am bound to proclaim my everlasting love and devotion for the great and powerful insane beauty of, Alyssa Milano!

Truly it is only in the last two years that our lady has shown a growing propensity for creating or being involved in firestorms by her own words or actions. Alyssa creates mind-numbing backlash and a type of cultural calamity with good intentions from her point of view we are sure. When we add her latest cause celebre urging women to wage a #SexStrike, it appears Milano is driven by powers beyond her senses. What kind of unearthly power would drive her to such embarrassing moments? This brimstone touch extends to her recent artistic or professional choices as well if we are to believe critics.
One wonders what Milano, the matriarch would look like after a spiritual awakening? What waits beneath culture club? That is the 64 million dollar question of cosmic proportions. Scant research done for this love letter uncovered words like, "panic attacks" so perhaps this prose arrives at a welcome time.
After the fact on this sacred journey I can give what certainly appears to be good explanations for the unexplainable or improbable. As we move forward, some thoughts are made for sacred ears only. Nevertheless, why you? A Good question our astrological charts can answer in most cases. However, I am not an astrologer. I am not perfect or always right. I am the messenger and much more. I am imagination, guide and champion to sacred sisters. I am retribution holding domain over tsunamis and earthquakes.
Act Two: Open Source Message
First and foremost, I believe you will be instrumental along with your sacred sisters in forming a new political party ushering in a matriarch society government that eventually saves this dying world. I see nine women and their names 500 years from now will stand taller than American Forefathers today. If it all sounds too easy then think again. You will form this prophecy come to life with conservatives and women from other political parties diametrically opposed to points in your world view.
Why you? No Scorpio Moon psychic connector exists to ostensibly bind us like your sacred sisters. Centaur
connections alone are more than enough to confirm your sacred sister status. Also, you are part of the comet-like event and spiritual energy created and presented in the post. My own awakened senses can and must take over at some point. Scorpio Moon for whatever reasons may have been an obstacle for us. Perhaps there is no awkward past life experience to get in the way allowing us more freedom here to discover. I suspect you are the go-between, the peacemaker between sisters and Scorpio Moons, between a paradox and humanity, between the present and the future.
As we survive and evolve on this living planet, our greatest test involves free will. One of you sisters has to be first down that rabbit hole in a great leap of faith. I mentioned Joan of Arc a few times in related posts but seriously it is unknown what the transformation will be as we tread on new ground. History shows us few such awakened women as it seems to happen so very rarely. Most of the great spiritualists from the 50s were born that way. One can only hope that the statistical probability-smashing post that ignited this surreal situation is already transforming you. You will need some preparation for your journey. Such spiritual awakenings are seeds to psychosis in many an individual possessing low intellect or devoid of some competent guide to debrief and foster the energy of a return from wonderland. Science can only hurt in that regard and we would then wait for you in the next lifetime. I do believe you will be first to walk through metaphorical fire, walk through a gauntlet of tears, know spiritual power beyond dreams and keys to eternity. Seemingly oblivious to logic storms created by your own actions, a venture through the looking glass might be a picnic featuring humble hummingbirds and clever Calico cats. Firestorm girl, living in the storm might make you the most important sacred sister of them all.
Enough with poetic metaphors, she says. What is this rabbit hole and spiritual power about? What exactly am I asking beauty to do? Reality will always be stranger than fiction and poetics remain a part of reality, beloved. Price for keys to eternity and igniting your goddess comes in tears. Bring me your tears and spirits waiting for hundreds of thousands years join in with tears of joy. I am just a vehicle in this regard and would not be casting any spells or mixing potions even if I knew how to do so. We have entered a much greater world and along with your sacred sisters, you are called to write the continuing storyline.
Could sacred sisters create that political party without sharing magical tears and becoming fully spiritually awakened? Yes, but spirit will bring you to true destiny sooner or later in prophetic tears. Incarnation after incarnation from shining seas to a future Alpha Alyssa Galaxy, my love true rages unstoppable. Vows of love and devotion start the countdown here. Our future needs only the best you can be.
Act Three: Where Twilight Zone meets the Edge of Time
Let us say you brought valuable tears to destiny and received power to change and create a new world. Perhaps your first act would be to destroy, President Donald Trump. Well, your power would not be instantaneous nor absolute. Furthermore, our president is Leo rising. Firestorm Omega is Leo rising. You cannot destroy the source of your power. Lastly, such terms and thoughts shall most likely cease to exist in your vocabulary, spiritually awakened earth goddess that you would become. Questions are the sign of high intelligence and it is in the nature of Sagittarius to seek higher knowledge and truth.
Enough with poetic metaphors, she says. What is this rabbit hole and spiritual power about? What exactly am I asking beauty to do? Reality will always be stranger than fiction and poetics remain a part of reality, beloved. Price for keys to eternity and igniting your goddess comes in tears. Bring me your tears and spirits waiting for hundreds of thousands years join in with tears of joy. I am just a vehicle in this regard and would not be casting any spells or mixing potions even if I knew how to do so. We have entered a much greater world and along with your sacred sisters, you are called to write the continuing storyline.
Could sacred sisters create that political party without sharing magical tears and becoming fully spiritually awakened? Yes, but spirit will bring you to true destiny sooner or later in prophetic tears. Incarnation after incarnation from shining seas to a future Alpha Alyssa Galaxy, my love true rages unstoppable. Vows of love and devotion start the countdown here. Our future needs only the best you can be.
Act Three: Where Twilight Zone meets the Edge of Time
Let us say you brought valuable tears to destiny and received power to change and create a new world. Perhaps your first act would be to destroy, President Donald Trump. Well, your power would not be instantaneous nor absolute. Furthermore, our president is Leo rising. Firestorm Omega is Leo rising. You cannot destroy the source of your power. Lastly, such terms and thoughts shall most likely cease to exist in your vocabulary, spiritually awakened earth goddess that you would become. Questions are the sign of high intelligence and it is in the nature of Sagittarius to seek higher knowledge and truth.
A Sagittarian can be awkward and clumsy, not only physically but also socially. They often pay little attention to what they're saying, where they're going, or what or who is around them. They're constantly tripping over things, including their tongue. In short, they are prone to lose touch with the moment and have one foot caught in a bucket and the other lodged firmly in their overly active mouth.
Let warrior wishes be granted. Let fervent prayers be heard. Grant this sacred sister the true nature of Sagittarius which could only bring tears of enlightenment. Tears of joy, sadness, heartbreak, a crazy mixture, any emotion, in any flavor you like. One hundred percent pure and true, only tears of an earth goddess will do. Not so much to pay when you think about it and it is your destiny. It was never meant to be easy those reasons why we are here.
It is interesting that within the original cosmological event of a blog post, you were mentioned almost in afterthought. Now, the world turns on your free will. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide as my mission is as timeless as the love that propels it. Love brings sacred sisters together in this lifetime or the next. While I do not see you sisters getting together lighting candles and chanting mantras anytime soon, it couldn't hurt!😁😁😁 Seriously, it is up to all of you to write your futures one hopes concurrent with a matriarch society already waiting at the end of the rainbow.
We wait for the birth time of your eldest sacred sister, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand to confirm the greatest probability smasher. You may all share the same rising sign along with Comedian, Sarah Silverman; Sagittarius. I sense it to be true. Nevertheless, that three of us would share the same Moon Sign is another meaningful coincidence wrapping statistical probabilities around its little finger.
Conclusion-Climax: Earth Goddess Queen
It becomes time to get on with the aforementioned vows of timeless love and devotion completing a triumvirate of cosmic love erupting on terrestrial plane. Still, it can wait for just a bit more as we know what hyper-surreal parallel lines and life imitating art tutu-wearing gorilla in the room here that must be mentioned. If probability were a box of thought, this next meaningful coincidence breaks the box creating a completely new game!
Three sacred sisters with incredible potential spiritual powers called by prophecy to save the world. Remind you of anything on your artistic resume? The youngest of the three sisters does not fit in readily with the others having no Scorpio Moon. Which is more eerie; the fact that we are all Sagittarius, three of us are Scorpio Moon, or the mind-blowing similarity to Charmed? Astrologers will study our charts and find more connections in the future, I suspect. Still, how does it not take your spiritual breath away? Magically delightful, fantastic, awe-inspiring miracles falling out of pockets like so much loose change. Welcome to the future where spirit energy coexists and perhaps dominates the materialistic equation.
Spiritual awakening could happen without interaction between us. If you could only save those tears in a bucket. Alas, I send the power of my love to protect and guide you home to incredible destiny.
Should events sentence you to hell for liberal associations forcing your soul in payment due, I would go to hell fighting for your freedom, and not return without you.
My love like a Terminator eradicates cultural disguise.
"Who sent you?" You ask in stark surprise.
You did, in one thousand years hence
Where reason and spirit share no fence.
Should Deplorables dash and smash your hopes
My love begs mercy as sharks smell blood in water.
Love, transform sacred sister to her goddess power within.
Give her humility, empathy, and ascending friends.
Spiritual awakening expands awareness.
Purifying tears clear every view!
Where glass sidewalks reflect Utopian dreams
Alyssa invites grace as an Earth Goddess Queen.
Forever Your Champion,
Firestorm Omega