Building a world of Champions

Dawning of the Matriarch Society

Friday, November 16, 2018

Discovering Ann Coulter: The Goddess Files, Volume One

Going back in time seems quite easy while perusing slightly used books in your friendly neighborhood thrift store.  Recently on one of my many visits through recycled wardrobes and wisdom, I was slapped in the face by a picture of a notoriously sharp-tongue conservative pundit.

Anne Hart Coulterby virtue of Wikipedia is a political conservative social and political commentator, writer, syndicated columnist, and lawyer.  I would not know she existed before enlightenment and subsequent 2016 presidential election.  As I was not looking for a book at the time, Carl Jung might call the discovery of blonde beauty "synchronicity".  It was indeed a meaningful coincidence finding Miss Coulter and her book from 2004, How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must).

Who can ever forget Democrats and Al Gore attempting to steal the 2000 presidential election via unscrupulous judges lurking in the Florida State Supreme Court?  How to Talk to a Liberal is a collection of newspaper and magazine columns by Ann Coulter during and after that period in American History.

Never have I met anyone who shared my opinions on air travel and the airline industry with regards to terrorism until reading Coulter.  It was like wandering around lost and alone in a foreign country for years and years and finally meeting someone who spoke english.  Maturity keeps us from falling in love... we hope.

Love is never easy and the sometimes volatile Coulter might be known for going on a rampaging rant on rare occasion. One such time caused a distinct rift in the supporters of #POTUS45, Donald J. Trump.  After Trump signed the Omnibus bill in March, Coulter seemed unable to contain or moderate her furious outrage.  I should not like to repeat the invectives and pejoratives thrown at Lord of the Deal at this time as to maintain a tone here closer to love and hummingbirds.  

Many Trump supporters were unhappy with the Omnibus bill, but Coulter stepped over the line repeatedly.  One can believe she lost a fare amount of followers on social media and there was indeed a minor movement against her.  Some conservatives may never forgive Ann for such blasphemy against Don Trumpio.

The Don is not a perfect man and this is not a perfect world. 
Miss Coulter should know this and it makes her outburst all the more surprising.  Revolutions, a gateway to the last renaissance, this journey we have undertaken now behind the Champion was never meant to be a smooth cruise.  Being human was never meant to be easy.

Perhaps all of us have said a word or two in anger that we would like to take back.  There remains time to actually take anger back from whence it came mending broken hearts.  We must hold hope for the worthy and perhaps Miss Coulter will grow through apologies.  They said Trump would never be president.  Who is to say Coulter cannot find redemption for attempting to castrate the Don with her blood-stained pen. My new-found spirituality asks you to give her time.

If the government demanded results, airports wouldn't have time to engage in man's truly oldest profession, oppressing his fellow man.  Instead, this natural monopoly would finally be forced to stop harassing passengers for the fun of it and to adopt safety procedures that would have the novel attribute of making planes safe.

Aside from renewing my hope in humanity with astute views on the ridiculous airline industry, Coulter also confirms suspicions regarding publishing and all forms of media.  When I was younger I would have said they own the means of production and distribution and control what we see and read.  The truth of the matter is that they are liberals.

When an FBI agent with close, regular contact with president Clinton wrote his book, he was virtually blacklisted from the mainstream media.  Upon the release of Gary Aldrich's book Unlimited Access in 1996, White House adviser George Stephanopoulos immediately called TV producers demanding that they give Aldrich no airtime.  Larry King Live and NBC's Dateline abruptly canceled their scheduled interviews with Aldrich. 

According to Coulter, she nearly starved to death having her writings continuously rejected for years by liberal publications which virtually means all publications.  Mainstream media does not generally publish conservative writers or hire conservative broadcasters or any other type of employee.  It is not just conservatives.  If your writings or beliefs do not fit the progressive liberal world view, you will be shunned, ignored, or demonized.  

This is disheartening news for a poet and author.  However, enlightenment offers secrets beyond dim foresight of Democrats and warrior words do not need publishing to affectively cleanse this entire world.  Yea, though I walk through the valley in the shadow of death I shall fear no evil.  For the world is shallow and I have touched the cosmic spark.  The age of ignorance is coming to an end and voices like Anntensity light the way to a utopian future much to the displeasure of Democrats.

H.L. Mencken surely smiles sitting at heaven's gate looking down upon the ardent adventures of Anntensity.  If Ann is
not the modern day reincarnation of the Sage of Baltimore then I am not a fireball throwing mythical centaur empowered by a little goddess.  Mencken espoused libertarian principles as do respectable poets and Coulter. 
Incompetent malevolent government remains the greatest enemy to humanity and among them, Democrats are lately proven to be the worst of them all.  Imagine if Mencken were alive today, he would be censored by liberals.

Liberals are the only known species whose powers of reasoning are not improved by the benefit of hindsight.  Not only are they always fighting the last war, in most cases they're surrendering.

Ascerbic describes writings of the Conservative Blonde Bomber laying waste to liberal lunacy and lies by dispatching laser-guided missile-like logic and truth to obliterate pandering pontificates enhanced by contemporary schadenfreude. 

It's a little late for liberals to pretend they care about ethics.  These are the people who angrily defended a president who perjured himself, hid evidence, suborned perjury, was held in contempt by a federal court, was disbarred by the Supreme Court, and lied to his party, his staff, and his wife, and the nation.

Democrats started losing political seats all around America to Republicans following the presidency of Bill and Hillary Clinton.  America knows now emphatically the liberal strategy of brazen hypocrisy and demonization after the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation.  Corruption and intimidation actually has been Democrat strategy against all conservatives for years but against Trump their activities take on desperation and an Alfred Hitchcock like frenzy.

Liberals think their saying some one's name in an accusatory tone of voice is sufficient to impute criminality to Republicans.

Reading about Ann's dating life gives me the sense that she gets it.  Gets what?  She may not be able to state it being
otherwise wrapped in dogma of her religion, but I believe she has some innate understanding of the goddess running through her blood.  Beauty waits to rule the world and the first steps to that utopian society have already begun.  Ann likes men, was married long enough to prove she can put up with the average man, and became a successful matriarch.  Now, she only needs that spiritual lightning bolt of enlightenment that awakens her goddess and an incredible champion shall arise.  Probably should warn her that such transformation and accompanying cataclysmic cosmic power would be born of timeless tears.

This really was a new kind of Democrat,.  John [JFK Jr.] wasn't a part of the older generation of Stalinist liberals who try to censor differing viewpoints and engage in the "politics of personal destruction" to harm those who disagree with them.  As his magazine's mottos says, this was "not just politics as usual." The importance of what John was doing to political discourse in this country cannot be overstated.  If you've ever been on the receiving end of the "politics of personal destruction," it's not always fun being called a racist, sexist, homophobe, etc, etc.

Ann gets it, or certainly a significant part of the puzzle of existence and that is saying quite a bit in this world where nonsensical is the new brilliant.  Who would ever think a TV show based on and by Roseanne Barr could possibly continue without her?  If Al Gore could not even carry his home state in the 2000 presidential election, why would he think he deserves to be president?  We answer such questions easily but liberals seem to have some difficulty with truth and simplicity.
Just as Ronald Reagan gave American culture a renewed patriotism and self-confidence that outlasted his presidency, Clinton has bequeathed America culture of criminality and rationalization by the powerful.

Most of America is now repulsed by liberal heroes but cannot escape them thanks again to a liberal mainstream media which is hardly distinguishable.  Democrat supporters who have not walked away from the political party of perversion can be categorized as hopeless sheep addicted to lies and pretense.  Conservatives are encouraged to pray for them when not protecting themselves from liberal hate.  Current liberal hate arrives as organized mobs instigated by liberal political leaders and their media.

In every real job I've ever had, it was standard for the boss to give a Christmas gift to the people who work for him.  In Washington, minimum-wage staffers take up a collection to buy Christmas gifts for the senator and chief of staff.

Republicans have always paid lip-service to the concept of limited government whereas Democrats need loving sheep.  Ann Coulter is not perfect, but she is priceless reminding us all that there are differences between the political parties.  The fact that Coulter and her book are successful at all prove that a decaying status-quo of government mediocrity and parasites facilitated by mainstream media and their sheep is faltering coming to a long predicted end.  Goddesses like Ann Coulter allow this spiritual journey a bit of levity and inspiration.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

The Western Star of Egypt: FLOTUS45

Egyptian First Lady Enitssar Amer received Melania Trump, Cairo International Airport 

As we move away from pretense and ignorance, the implications of a #BeBest social and educational campaign transforms culture and beings who create it.  Effectively, it will counteract intellectually debilitating effects of  an ideology awarding participation trophies and much worse upon young and fertile minds.  Achievements not necessarily measured in dollar signs become a new standard.  Philosophers become en vogue again as people actually look forward to thinking.  Existential osmosis of a #BeBest concept is brilliant and spiritually enriching completely aligned with human evolution and ascension. 

Somewhere, a goddess is smiling.  The age of ignorance comes slowly to an end.

Let us transcend the tired term, "equal" and equality as it pertains to men and women.  What is a word denoting women being greater than the average person can imagine?  Fascinating? Fabulous?  Magic?  Take your time. I'll be here when you decide.

Melania in North Africa

Melania in Malawi

Daniel 12:3 ESV /

And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.


Egypt's First Lady Receives Melania Trump

Melania Trump, ending Africa tour...

Melania Trump opens Africa tour with a smile, a wave and baby in her

First Lady Melania Trump Unveils her Be Best Campaign

Monday, October 1, 2018

Negative Inspiration

Inspiration and motivation must not always come from a positive source.  Negative inspiration may often be stronger than positive stimulation.  A doctor telling a patient of never being able to walk again may indeed inspire such a person to eventually walk.  A faith healer telling that same patient to have faith and you will walk may inspire a miracle of walking in this instance as well.  One negative and one positive but both able to stimulate the same positive result.

Dr. Chilala reminds us that negative people can inspire.  He classifies negative people as Hitler and other notorious villains but in reality any villain who inspires another to take actions that do harm to someone or something would fit.  While this concept is interesting, it is not desired at this time for the discussion here.  We see negative inspiration as either challenging or encouraging us through fear, anger, or some other negative emotion to accomplish positive goals.

Indeed, positive role models can inspire one by illustrating an ideal, desired self, highlighting possible achievements that one can strive for, and demonstrating the route for achieving them (Lockwood & Kunda, 1997, 1999); negative role models can inspire one by illustrating a feared, to-be-avoided self, pointing to possible future disasters, and highlighting mistakes that must be avoided so as to prevent them (Lockwood, 2002).  
-Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2002

Let us distinguish motivation as either personal or public. Personal motivation would be encouragement from a parent, friend, or coach for example.  Public inspiration might come from news, a celebrity, televangelist for example.  We can also be inspired by positive and negative events like sports championships, auto accidents, or even an earthquake.

Lately, America gains negative inspiration from public events and individuals on the political left.  Poets and political pundits believe Barack Obama inspired the election of President Donald Trump.  Without darkness, there could be no light.  Without failure there could be no success.  Failures of Democrats strategy to #Resist and #Obstruct Trump no matter the cost to America continues to repulse an inspire.  Deplorable schemes continue to backfire in the blue face of the left leaving them more and more grotesque.  

Beauty is wonderful but ugly seems quite able to inspire with a fury.  Trump did not inspire the #WalkAway movement, Democrats hold that honor.  Democrats and particularly, Obama inspired the entire Tea Party.  Liberal Democrats inspired a nation against mainstream media, their unhinged celebrities, and super tech geek creeps.  As a result, America becomes greater by equal but opposite reaction and by default.  Now, ugliness of the left inspires conservative women and perhaps all reasonable women in America to fight for a better future free of perversion and corruption.

The Dem’s goal is to completely emasculate men using whatever tactics it requires.

I cannot help but think this is a sign to an alternate universe where conservative women take over and reform the Republican party leading to the utopian society highlighted here.  It also takes perceived burdens off these shoulders.  Keep thinking my work is done anyway.  Nevertheless, such an event is so far into the future that common folk care not to be interested.  Enlightening consciousness to awareness never gets old.

Be thankful for; Sara Huckabee Sanders, Kellyanne Conway, Laura Ingraham, and Sarah Palin to name a few.


Motivation by Positive or Negative Role Models

The Power of Negative Inspiration

Negative inspiration; Hitler, Hirohito, and Mussolini

How Dianne Feinstein is conspiring to destroy Brett Kavanaugh

12 major inconsistencies in Christina Ford Testimony

GOP senators demand probe of Feinstein's office after Kavanaugh ...

Lindsey Graham wants to investigate Dianne Feinstein's office in Kavanaugh probe

If there is an extraordinary LACK of evidence with Dr. Fords experience, then how can she be credible? If she can't support her story, what is this really all about? She scrubbed her social media and past. Why?
— Chuck Woolery (@chuckwoolery) October 2, 2018

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Integrity and Grace: The Sarah Palin Files

Firestorms come not into your life gently.  Oh no, it is quite the opposite confronting raging flames of death and rebirth summoned to defeat the makers of hell.  Fortunately for decaying status-quo lovers, beauty stands in between their dwindling sensibilities and fireballs of retribution.  Cosmic fury stands down in the presence of grace.  

Perhaps in death a Phoenix is again reborn!

Oh, but what if the left had such a goddess?  If you say your prayers tonight, give thanks for the beauty of Sarah Palin.


Sarah Palin Is Not Invited to John McCain Funeral |

John McCain Regrets His Palin Pick for the Wrong Reasons - NYMag

John McCain: I regret picking Sarah Palin as running mate

Sarah Palin: It hurt 'a bit' that McCain regrets running mate

Friday, August 3, 2018

Crumbling Sandcastle Designs: Return of the Goddess

Prophecy Poetry

Description: a book containing 12 poems in approximately 60 pages on a goddess theme.  

Previous book; ODE TO MADONNA and Other Poems, 1991(out of print)

From: multi-award winning Poet and Author, Alan Paine


Given recent enlightenment and awareness of tremendous spiritual power particularly in this being, you would think words chosen for my latest attempt at poetry would be purposefully ineffectual or given to neutrality and positivity. You would think I would stay away from creating connections that could encumber a once reluctant poet through lifetimes. Most all other poetic writings just reflected emotional or philosophical expressions.  There was never a cognizant attempt in writings from this poet to affect change in a cosmic reality of Quantum Theory or what mystics might call magick.  Awareness changes all that.  My will with regards to poetry appears not always in my control.

While I could not be happier that this Herculean task is complete, it simply marks the beginning of a new journey awash in tears. The next mission has been waiting patiently perhaps thousands of years and it does not get any easier. When you find your mission in life, I can only hope it contains considerably less paradoxical suffering. Enjoy our new world in the making.  

Foreword............................................................................. 7
Crumbling Sandcastle Designs, Volume 1..................9
Butterfly Queen ...................................................................... 11
Crumbling Sandcastle Designs, Vol. 2 ....................... 13
Ripples in Time
Tunisian Goddess of Freethinking................................ 15
Crumbling Sandcastle Designs, Vol. 3 ....................... 17
The Blood of Hypatia
The Feminine Misfortune .................................................. 21
Crumbling Sandcastle Designs, Vol. 4 ....................... 23
Spiritual Warrior
Nine Inspirations ................................................................... 29
Crumbling Sandcastle Designs, Vol. 5 ....................... 31
The Goddess of Trinity
Belly Dancer ............................................................................ 35
(The Song of Shakti)
Crumbling Sandcastle Designs, Vol. 6 ....................... 39
The Goddess of Reason
Crumbling Sandcastle Designs, Vol. 7 ....................... 43
Scarlet Ladies Thirteen 


Crumbling Sandcastle Designs; Volume 1

Slaying digital dragons in a Silicon Valley manufactured in isolated cubicles of a spiritually bankrupt mind, my love stumbled around robotically overloaded by binary bits and bytes in an alternating batch of on-rushing algorithms just another statistical victim of a hit and run accident at the anxious intersection of Betrayal Road and Jealousy Street. Witnesses were few but you were there.

Crumbling Sandcastle Designs, Volume 2
Ripples in Time

Mopping sweat between Moonlight Cactus and Horned Toad Lizards on a hot desert day in a one-horse town somewhere north of the Rio Grande, my love went loco Bandito and high-tailed it south wanted dead or alive. Like a Texas Ranger of Love, you brought my love back to stand trial facing honor among thieves.

Nine Inspirations

Entreating to Erato and Thaleia made three
As not to offend veiled vanity.
By a crystal clear pond, gather Goddesses in trio
Then Ancestor Guardians bring blessings from Kleio.
Pegasus commands chariots from Olympus—
Winged white horses to tame a tempest.

Crumbling Sandcastle Designs, Volume 6
The Goddess of Reason

A future where freedom and individual rights ring true finds fertile footprints of fully functioning feminine force as Devoted Daughters dance delightfully in starlight shadows of magnificent monuments dedicated to the Goddess of Reason.

Crumbling Sandcastle Designs, Volume 7
Scarlet Ladies Thirteen

Where Homer conducted Ulysses beyond adventures and fame, my love found Aspasia more valuable than Golden Fleece inspiring philosophers, Socrates, Aristophanes, and Plato 400 years before savages killed a gentle prophet. Wife of Pericles by prestigious presence alone personified freedom and education lifting loving liberated women of Greece higher owing still debt of gratitude never paid and divine bills floating upon spiritual plane grate gradually on guilty conscience like rolling thunder breaking lewd dreams reflected through the looking glass. Tears of a poet burning skeletons beckon perhaps to you for love of Aspasia and payment due.

♈ . ♉ .  ♊ .  ♋ .  ♌ .  ♍ .  ♎   ♏ .  ♐ .  ♑ .  ♒ .  ♓

Thinking about autographing all of the meager 150 copies soon to be at my disposal. Many reasons cause me to print a micro-run for this second book of poetry and companion to the non-fiction, Dawning of the Matriarch Society; How the Extinction Rule was Broken.  After the initial run sells out, the book of poetry will be available online as e-book.  The non-fiction book can be acquired through Xlibris Press and other major outlets. The book of poetry can only be acquired from the author while they last.

Until further notice, this blog serves as the official ordering page for;

Crumbling Sandcastle Designs: Return of the Goddess


Only one poet in the entire history of the State of Nevada has ever been selected for inclusion in the Marquis Who's Who in America.  Add two books of higher consciousness to that resume.

“Individuals are listed because of the positions they have attained or because of noteworthy achievements that have proven to be of lasting value to society. Fame alone is not a criterion, nor is high financial or social status. Only demonstrated accomplishment can earn a place in Who’s Who in America.” 
-Marquis Who’s Who in America

Sunday, July 1, 2018

The Last Liberal of Integrity

Tulsi Gabbard, Congresswoman

Tulsi Gabbard is a U.S. Representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district since 2013.  The Congresswoman gained attention here angering her Democrat colleagues by taking a non-sanctioned fact-finding trip to Syria.  Gabbard was perhaps the only Democrat critic of the Obama administration's agenda to over-throw Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad.  She also criticized Obama for not using the phrase, "radical Islamic terrorism."  Making matters worse for her liberal friends on the fringe, Gabbard also met with President Donald Trump and vowed to work with him on issues of importance to Americans.

An Army veteran serving in the Iraq War, Tulsi Gabbard also rides a mean surfboard and it is easy to see why lonely hearts would fall in love with such a freethinking beauty of integrity.  While she has recently married breaking enamored hearts across the nation, it does not stop wayward souls from showering her with love wrapped in deep concern.

Let us now open our discussion to the notion of guilt by association.  Political pundits and poets have wondered out loud at what point it would become embarrassing to be associated with Democrats given the level of corruption exposed in the Obama administration and their ranting unhinged celebrity representation.  Recent Inspector General reports on corruption in the Obama DOJ and FBI along with comments from media darling, Maxine Waters, leads one to wonder about the very souls of the remaining Democrat leaders and their supporters.  Are we looking at pure evil when we see Democrats?  That which produces evil and suffering through incompetence is just as evil as that producing evil and suffering through intent.  How would suffering change in such instances?  

Miss Gabbard was thrown into a political circus ring as potential 2020 presidential candidate a few times in social network threads where liberated minds are known to engage passionate liberals.  Passion without reason can be mistaken for mental illness.  Nevertheless, Tulsi Gabbard is too young to run for president and suffers from an association with the diabolical Democrats. America endured eight years under a liberal Democrat president taking office with no experience or accomplishments of merit save for college degrees.  While Miss Gabbard is clearly distinguished with rare integrity, how can she separate herself from those hard eight years of liberal legacy?  

Having mainstream media show us only what they wish us to see makes matters worse for Democrats.  Every liberal celebrity going on a nonsensical rant about the source of the stunning peace in Korea reflects poorly on all liberals.  Every Maxine Waters televised mental meltdown brings into question the mental stability of all liberals.  A continued association with the political party of phony dossiers, voter fraud, and emailgate cannot look good on the resume of one wishing to be an American champion.  

Hawaii's Surfing Congresswoman

It is one matter for Socialist, Bernie Sanders to explain away serious Democrat problems with evasion, projection, and delusion while protected by mainstream media.  Such a spectacle becomes the last sign of the apocalypse should someone like Tulsi delve into nonsensical rhetoric to defend her political party and platform.   She was rumored to be Bernie's running mate at one time.  Since Bernie still has many questions to answer regarding HRC and DNC corruption, how would so many serious unanswered questions affect our young champion?  Running against record low unemployment, epic consumer confidence, and safe borders shall be a serious uphill battle on roller skates.  History not only precedes liberal presidential hopefuls, it also refuses to retire gracefully.

A modest review of the last three Democrat presidents reveals one disappointment bigger than the last.  Ineffective, impeached, and incompetently corrupt describes past #BlueWave commanders respectively and no amount of mainstream media bias will hide facts of reality.  It seems unfair to compare Carter, Clinton, and Obama to President Trump, the anti-politician taking office with actual talent for the job and patriotism.  That there are no Democrats on Mt. Rushmore may tell the entire story.

Academy Award winning Actress, Susan Sarandon comes to mind when thinking of liberals and fading credibility.  Miss Sarandon on national television just before our epic presidential election flipped her endorsement leaving Hillary Clinton for, Dr. Jill Stein.  We imagine with clear conscience, Susan sleeps on sacred silks and feathers of integrity.  One wonders who Tulsi voted for in our world-changing presidential election and if she could explain or defend such decision with passion and reason.

Commander Gabbard
To be a proud Democrat today takes nonsensical courage and enigmatic explanations weaving rationalizations into fading dreams.  We hope Gabbard is Democrat in name only.  Nevertheless, her political party in question pretending scandals and corruption do not exist seems to be an actual defense.  Pathological hypocrisy paints a good picture and philosophers must now wonder if such is leitmotif.  It must be a consciousness nightmare maintaining Democrat principles today.  Non-judgmental participation awards of diversity obstructing and resisting epic success does not justify safe spaces and #ImWithHer.

Given the terrorism faced by rapper, Kanye West for turning against Democrats, it is understandable how some people in their party are forced to remain out of fear.  Then, we think of Miss Sarandon again and how her flip was delivered with comedy on the late night talk-show circuit.  So then, perhaps abandoning delirious Democrat allegiance can only be done safely with a smile.  Perhaps Tulsi can get her party resignation speech written by Whoopi Goldberg or Jimmy Kimmel who are reported to be comics.

Quite usually guilt by association is a weak argument technique used by people who are unable to effectively defend or express their point of view through logic or experiential theorem.  It indicates a lack of intellect or sincerity in most cases... or, begs questions to be answered.  Miss Gabbard would have a difficult time answering questions here regarding the DNC and their political heroes.  Someone wishing to write her poetry would not pose such teeth-grinding questions on a public venue.

Enlightenment to some of us means more than just another trending encumbrance meant to avoid the actual journey.  Spirits enabled warriors on a dying world to free and exalt beauty, not to put her on trial for crimes of association.  Let all the king's horses and all the king's men whisper warrior wishes upon eternal winds.  From the greater good of Virgo to peacekeeper love of Libra, bring betrayed Earth goddesses to rebirth and redemption.  Embracing cosmic power imbued in suffering and humility, blaze prophetic path to utopian society. 

Goddess of Victory, by Eve Ventrue

Trump would be glad to have a proud veteran on his team while fighting for remnants of a liberal agenda if that is at all possible. Constituents may not be very understanding should that happen. On the other hand, many of them desperately need a major wake-up call. One can easily see the sticky predicament Tulsi and other Dem political leaders find themselves. There seems to be no way out of the slippery spiraling rabbit hole liberals created for themselves. Deserving much better associates, prayers are encouraged for Miss Gabbard.

  We call the best humans on this planet, Mom.  Until moms are organized under one banner of spiritually righteous super-power, Tulsi Gabbard shall do nicely.


Tulsi Gabbard Takes Secret Fact-Finding Mission to Syria
Tulsi Gabbard Bio Facts

After Meeting, Gabbard Vows to Work with Trump
Hawaii's Surfing Congresswoman
Bernie's VP Pick; U.S. Representative and Iraq War Veteran 
Tulsi Gabbard
Goddess of Victory

Nancy Pelosi or Kim Jong Un; An American Poll
IGReport and Clinton emails: The Fix was in
Bernie Sanders Betrayed his Supporters 
Hillary and Obama Robo-Calls
Maxine Waters Suffers Massive Meltdown on House Floor