Arguments on abortion have ended with the mother until religion and government stepped in to become dual Slave-Masters (also known as the Beast). Look at the results. What the Poet sees is an overpopulated world having really good sex with little true love and it shows in the end product which we call babies.
Silly world kneeling at the feet of their new God, Science. Do you really think making babies is that easy?
Charles Darwin gave humanity yet another gift and what does the Beast do? He did not say "only the fittest survives." Status quo evil twisted his words to their greedy purposes and we all suffer as a result. Mr. Darwin said "natural selection" and the most natural selection there could EVER be on whether or not human life should or should not be brought into this world belongs always and forever with she.
Women will be given complete an absolute control over their bodies when it comes to sex and reproduction. Abortions will be free or almost free and on demand without apology.
As it is written, so let it be done
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Unearned Superiority How law enforcement enjoys an unearned superiority leading to a culture of blood where violence is king.