Going back in time seems quite easy while perusing slightly used books in your friendly neighborhood thrift store. Recently on one of my many visits through recycled wardrobes and wisdom, I was slapped in the face by a picture of a notoriously sharp-tongue conservative pundit.
Anne Hart Coulter, by virtue of Wikipedia is a political conservative social and political commentator, writer, syndicated columnist, and lawyer. I would not know she existed before enlightenment and subsequent 2016 presidential election. As I was not looking for a book at the time, Carl Jung might call the discovery of blonde beauty "synchronicity". It was indeed a meaningful coincidence finding Miss Coulter and her book from 2004, How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must).
Who can ever forget Democrats and Al Gore attempting to steal the 2000 presidential election via unscrupulous judges lurking in the Florida State Supreme Court? How to Talk to a Liberal is a collection of newspaper and magazine columns by Ann Coulter during and after that period in American History.
Never have I met anyone who shared my opinions on air travel and the airline industry with regards to terrorism until reading Coulter. It was like wandering around lost and alone in a foreign country for years and years and finally meeting someone who spoke english. Maturity keeps us from falling in love... we hope.
Love is never easy and the sometimes volatile Coulter might be known for going on a rampaging rant on rare occasion. One such time caused a distinct rift in the supporters of #POTUS45, Donald J. Trump. After Trump signed the Omnibus bill in March, Coulter seemed unable to contain or moderate her furious outrage. I should not like to repeat the invectives and pejoratives thrown at Lord of the Deal at this time as to maintain a tone here closer to love and hummingbirds.
Many Trump supporters were unhappy with the Omnibus bill, but Coulter stepped over the line repeatedly. One can believe she lost a fare amount of followers on social media and there was indeed a minor movement against her. Some conservatives may never forgive Ann for such blasphemy against Don Trumpio.
The Don is not a perfect man and this is not a perfect world.
Miss Coulter should know this and it makes her outburst all the more surprising. Revolutions, a gateway to the last renaissance, this journey we have undertaken now behind the Champion was never meant to be a smooth cruise. Being human was never meant to be easy.
Perhaps all of us have said a word or two in anger that we would like to take back. There remains time to actually take anger back from whence it came mending broken hearts. We must hold hope for the worthy and perhaps Miss Coulter will grow through apologies. They said Trump would never be president. Who is to say Coulter cannot find redemption for attempting to castrate the Don with her blood-stained pen. My new-found spirituality asks you to give her time.
Aside from renewing my hope in humanity with astute views on the ridiculous airline industry, Coulter also confirms suspicions regarding publishing and all forms of media. When I was younger I would have said they own the means of production and distribution and control what we see and read. The truth of the matter is that they are liberals.
According to Coulter, she nearly starved to death having her writings continuously rejected for years by liberal publications which virtually means all publications. Mainstream media does not generally publish conservative writers or hire conservative broadcasters or any other type of employee. It is not just conservatives. If your writings or beliefs do not fit the progressive liberal world view, you will be shunned, ignored, or demonized.
This is disheartening news for a poet and author. However, enlightenment offers secrets beyond dim foresight of Democrats and warrior words do not need publishing to affectively cleanse this entire world. Yea, though I walk through the valley in the shadow of death I shall fear no evil. For the world is shallow and I have touched the cosmic spark. The age of ignorance is coming to an end and voices like Anntensity light the way to a utopian future much to the displeasure of Democrats.
H.L. Mencken surely smiles sitting at heaven's gate looking down upon the ardent adventures of Anntensity. If Ann is
not the modern day reincarnation of the Sage of Baltimore then I am not a fireball throwing mythical centaur empowered by a little goddess. Mencken espoused libertarian principles as do respectable poets and Coulter.
Incompetent malevolent government remains the greatest enemy to humanity and among them, Democrats are lately proven to be the worst of them all. Imagine if Mencken were alive today, he would be censored by liberals.
Ascerbic describes writings of the Conservative Blonde Bomber laying waste to liberal lunacy and lies by dispatching laser-guided missile-like logic and truth to obliterate pandering pontificates enhanced by contemporary schadenfreude.
Democrats started losing political seats all around America to Republicans following the presidency of Bill and Hillary Clinton. America knows now emphatically the liberal strategy of brazen hypocrisy and demonization after the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation. Corruption and intimidation actually has been Democrat strategy against all conservatives for years but against Trump their activities take on desperation and an Alfred Hitchcock like frenzy.
Reading about Ann's dating life gives me the sense that she gets it. Gets what? She may not be able to state it being
otherwise wrapped in dogma of her religion, but I believe she has some innate understanding of the goddess running through her blood. Beauty waits to rule the world and the first steps to that utopian society have already begun. Ann likes men, was married long enough to prove she can put up with the average man, and became a successful matriarch. Now, she only needs that spiritual lightning bolt of enlightenment that awakens her goddess and an incredible champion shall arise. Probably should warn her that such transformation and accompanying cataclysmic cosmic power would be born of timeless tears.
Ann gets it, or certainly a significant part of the puzzle of existence and that is saying quite a bit in this world where nonsensical is the new brilliant. Who would ever think a TV show based on and by Roseanne Barr could possibly continue without her? If Al Gore could not even carry his home state in the 2000 presidential election, why would he think he deserves to be president? We answer such questions easily but liberals seem to have some difficulty with truth and simplicity.
Most of America is now repulsed by liberal heroes but cannot escape them thanks again to a liberal mainstream media which is hardly distinguishable. Democrat supporters who have not walked away from the political party of perversion can be categorized as hopeless sheep addicted to lies and pretense. Conservatives are encouraged to pray for them when not protecting themselves from liberal hate. Current liberal hate arrives as organized mobs instigated by liberal political leaders and their media.
Republicans have always paid lip-service to the concept of limited government whereas Democrats need loving sheep. Ann Coulter is not perfect, but she is priceless reminding us all that there are differences between the political parties. The fact that Coulter and her book are successful at all prove that a decaying status-quo of government mediocrity and parasites facilitated by mainstream media and their sheep is faltering coming to a long predicted end. Goddesses like Ann Coulter allow this spiritual journey a bit of levity and inspiration.
Anne Hart Coulter, by virtue of Wikipedia is a political conservative social and political commentator, writer, syndicated columnist, and lawyer. I would not know she existed before enlightenment and subsequent 2016 presidential election. As I was not looking for a book at the time, Carl Jung might call the discovery of blonde beauty "synchronicity". It was indeed a meaningful coincidence finding Miss Coulter and her book from 2004, How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must).
Who can ever forget Democrats and Al Gore attempting to steal the 2000 presidential election via unscrupulous judges lurking in the Florida State Supreme Court? How to Talk to a Liberal is a collection of newspaper and magazine columns by Ann Coulter during and after that period in American History.
Never have I met anyone who shared my opinions on air travel and the airline industry with regards to terrorism until reading Coulter. It was like wandering around lost and alone in a foreign country for years and years and finally meeting someone who spoke english. Maturity keeps us from falling in love... we hope.
Love is never easy and the sometimes volatile Coulter might be known for going on a rampaging rant on rare occasion. One such time caused a distinct rift in the supporters of #POTUS45, Donald J. Trump. After Trump signed the Omnibus bill in March, Coulter seemed unable to contain or moderate her furious outrage. I should not like to repeat the invectives and pejoratives thrown at Lord of the Deal at this time as to maintain a tone here closer to love and hummingbirds.
Many Trump supporters were unhappy with the Omnibus bill, but Coulter stepped over the line repeatedly. One can believe she lost a fare amount of followers on social media and there was indeed a minor movement against her. Some conservatives may never forgive Ann for such blasphemy against Don Trumpio.
The Don is not a perfect man and this is not a perfect world.
Miss Coulter should know this and it makes her outburst all the more surprising. Revolutions, a gateway to the last renaissance, this journey we have undertaken now behind the Champion was never meant to be a smooth cruise. Being human was never meant to be easy.
Perhaps all of us have said a word or two in anger that we would like to take back. There remains time to actually take anger back from whence it came mending broken hearts. We must hold hope for the worthy and perhaps Miss Coulter will grow through apologies. They said Trump would never be president. Who is to say Coulter cannot find redemption for attempting to castrate the Don with her blood-stained pen. My new-found spirituality asks you to give her time.
If the government demanded results, airports wouldn't have time to engage in man's truly oldest profession, oppressing his fellow man. Instead, this natural monopoly would finally be forced to stop harassing passengers for the fun of it and to adopt safety procedures that would have the novel attribute of making planes safe.
Aside from renewing my hope in humanity with astute views on the ridiculous airline industry, Coulter also confirms suspicions regarding publishing and all forms of media. When I was younger I would have said they own the means of production and distribution and control what we see and read. The truth of the matter is that they are liberals.
When an FBI agent with close, regular contact with president Clinton wrote his book, he was virtually blacklisted from the mainstream media. Upon the release of Gary Aldrich's book Unlimited Access in 1996, White House adviser George Stephanopoulos immediately called TV producers demanding that they give Aldrich no airtime. Larry King Live and NBC's Dateline abruptly canceled their scheduled interviews with Aldrich.
According to Coulter, she nearly starved to death having her writings continuously rejected for years by liberal publications which virtually means all publications. Mainstream media does not generally publish conservative writers or hire conservative broadcasters or any other type of employee. It is not just conservatives. If your writings or beliefs do not fit the progressive liberal world view, you will be shunned, ignored, or demonized.
This is disheartening news for a poet and author. However, enlightenment offers secrets beyond dim foresight of Democrats and warrior words do not need publishing to affectively cleanse this entire world. Yea, though I walk through the valley in the shadow of death I shall fear no evil. For the world is shallow and I have touched the cosmic spark. The age of ignorance is coming to an end and voices like Anntensity light the way to a utopian future much to the displeasure of Democrats.
#LoL ππΊπΈππ½π―— Anntensity (@anntensity) August 4, 2018
ME: "Tell me your name, where you're from & which Coulter book you want."
HIM: (see attached video) pic.twitter.com/ohbHp6THpQ
H.L. Mencken surely smiles sitting at heaven's gate looking down upon the ardent adventures of Anntensity. If Ann is
not the modern day reincarnation of the Sage of Baltimore then I am not a fireball throwing mythical centaur empowered by a little goddess. Mencken espoused libertarian principles as do respectable poets and Coulter.
Liberals are the only known species whose powers of reasoning are not improved by the benefit of hindsight. Not only are they always fighting the last war, in most cases they're surrendering.
Ascerbic describes writings of the Conservative Blonde Bomber laying waste to liberal lunacy and lies by dispatching laser-guided missile-like logic and truth to obliterate pandering pontificates enhanced by contemporary schadenfreude.
It's a little late for liberals to pretend they care about ethics. These are the people who angrily defended a president who perjured himself, hid evidence, suborned perjury, was held in contempt by a federal court, was disbarred by the Supreme Court, and lied to his party, his staff, and his wife, and the nation.
Democrats started losing political seats all around America to Republicans following the presidency of Bill and Hillary Clinton. America knows now emphatically the liberal strategy of brazen hypocrisy and demonization after the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation. Corruption and intimidation actually has been Democrat strategy against all conservatives for years but against Trump their activities take on desperation and an Alfred Hitchcock like frenzy.
Liberals think their saying some one's name in an accusatory tone of voice is sufficient to impute criminality to Republicans.
Reading about Ann's dating life gives me the sense that she gets it. Gets what? She may not be able to state it being
otherwise wrapped in dogma of her religion, but I believe she has some innate understanding of the goddess running through her blood. Beauty waits to rule the world and the first steps to that utopian society have already begun. Ann likes men, was married long enough to prove she can put up with the average man, and became a successful matriarch. Now, she only needs that spiritual lightning bolt of enlightenment that awakens her goddess and an incredible champion shall arise. Probably should warn her that such transformation and accompanying cataclysmic cosmic power would be born of timeless tears.
This really was a new kind of Democrat,. John [JFK Jr.] wasn't a part of the older generation of Stalinist liberals who try to censor differing viewpoints and engage in the "politics of personal destruction" to harm those who disagree with them. As his magazine's mottos says, this was "not just politics as usual." The importance of what John was doing to political discourse in this country cannot be overstated. If you've ever been on the receiving end of the "politics of personal destruction," it's not always fun being called a racist, sexist, homophobe, etc, etc.
Ann gets it, or certainly a significant part of the puzzle of existence and that is saying quite a bit in this world where nonsensical is the new brilliant. Who would ever think a TV show based on and by Roseanne Barr could possibly continue without her? If Al Gore could not even carry his home state in the 2000 presidential election, why would he think he deserves to be president? We answer such questions easily but liberals seem to have some difficulty with truth and simplicity.
Just as Ronald Reagan gave American culture a renewed patriotism and self-confidence that outlasted his presidency, Clinton has bequeathed America culture of criminality and rationalization by the powerful.
Most of America is now repulsed by liberal heroes but cannot escape them thanks again to a liberal mainstream media which is hardly distinguishable. Democrat supporters who have not walked away from the political party of perversion can be categorized as hopeless sheep addicted to lies and pretense. Conservatives are encouraged to pray for them when not protecting themselves from liberal hate. Current liberal hate arrives as organized mobs instigated by liberal political leaders and their media.
In every real job I've ever had, it was standard for the boss to give a Christmas gift to the people who work for him. In Washington, minimum-wage staffers take up a collection to buy Christmas gifts for the senator and chief of staff.
Republicans have always paid lip-service to the concept of limited government whereas Democrats need loving sheep. Ann Coulter is not perfect, but she is priceless reminding us all that there are differences between the political parties. The fact that Coulter and her book are successful at all prove that a decaying status-quo of government mediocrity and parasites facilitated by mainstream media and their sheep is faltering coming to a long predicted end. Goddesses like Ann Coulter allow this spiritual journey a bit of levity and inspiration.
What do Bill and Hillary Clinton have on Obama?
How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must) ...on Amazon
What do Bill and Hillary Clinton have on Obama?
How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must) ...on Amazon
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